Lockout screen

Another optional feature that you can enable with LlamaFi is the ability to block the app if the user subscription is no longer active.

First, enable this feature on LlamaFi, then it will already be working if you have completed the configuration of the LlamaKeep widget.

This will also be shown after you call the function LlamaFi.init({...}) if the user subscription is canceled.

A canceled subscription is a subscription that is no longer active and no longer charges the user, this may be due to the user canceling the subscription or due to a series of failed payments (involuntary churn).

For example, this maps to the Stripe status canceled.

As for the Delinquent Banner you also need to pass an additional parameter (goToBilling) to the init function:

const config = { 
    id: 'string', 
    billingId: 'string', 
    email: 'string', 
    firstName: 'string', 
    lastName: 'string', 
    goToBilling: () => {} // new required paremeter

Note for single-page applications

If you are developing LlamaFi in a single-page application then, after the click on the button to update the user billing info, the Lockout Screen would still be visible. That's why in this case you have to call the function LlamaFi.lock(false):

window.LlamaFi.lock(false) // manually hide the lockout screen
window.LlamaFi.lock(true)  // manually show the lockout screen

With this, you can temporarly disable the Lockout Screen to let your user interact with your app.

Last updated